Interactive online courses you can follow along for step-by-step instructions .
Last updated: November 11, 2019
- Lynda
With a library membership, you get access to over 3,500 video tutorial courses led by experts on web design, software development, photography, business skills, home and small office, project management, 3D + Animation, graphic design audio, music, video editing and more. Requires the creation of a personal account which will allow you to track your progress through your tutorials. - Youtube:
- ThinkFWD: focus on how to get yourself ahead in Coding interviews, that means a LONG series of Solutions for LeetCode (the golden source for every developer to study for interviews) & personal finances!
- Technology for Teachers and Students: help you learn how to use a wide range of educational websites and other technology tools in the classroom
- Wolfram Alpha: computational knowledge engine
- Harvard Free Online Courses
- From health science, history, arts, politics, etc.
- Browse free online courses in a variety of subjects. Harvard University courses found below can be audited free or students can choose to receive a verified certificate for a small fee.
- Using Python for research
- Data Science: Visualization
- W3schools: learning web technology online
- HTML and CSS
- JavaScript
- Server Side (SQL)
- Programming (Python)
- Web Building (CSS Templates)