Meeting Youth Where They’re At
Success Accelerator’s 2022-2023’s Annual Impact by the Numbers
delivered hours of impactful programming across our programs, in fiscal year 2023.
of youth said that they found the workshop useful.
of youth said the workshop has given them ideas and knowledge that will be practical for the future.
registrants for Success Accelerator Programs that did not attend due to work, not feeling well, or poor timing.
This speaks to the demand and interest in partaking in the programs we offer.
youth participants attended our programs in fiscal year 2022.
applicants for the Computer Donation program.
This speaks to the demands and dire need of youth, for reliable access to technology.
youth received laptops or mobile devices to use for online education, job searches, improve access information & resources, to become tech-savvy and bridge the digital divide.
Program Impact Reports
Demographic of Youth Participated in Success Accelerator Programs

The attendees of our programs identify with belonging to one or more marginalized groups. In many cases, they self-identified at the intersection of more than 3 factors which tend to reduce personal and professional opportunity. The chart to the left depicts which marginalized groups youth attending the workshop identified as belonging to among 108 unique youth.
Children’s Aid: In or are leaving the care of the Children’s Aid Society
Disability: Person with a Disability (this includes any physical disability, mental impairment, developmental disability or learning disability)
Homelessness: Experienced homelessness
Justice System: Involved with the Justice System (means a history with the criminal justice system and/or agencies such as John Howard or Elizabeth Fry)
Low Income: Low Income/ on Social Assistance (Low income means an individual who earns less than $20,778 per year or $41,198 per year for a family of four, Social Assistance includes government income subsidy including EI, OW, ODSP, or Basic Needs Allowance)
New Comer: means individuals who have resided in Canada for less than five years
Racialized: means groups of people who might experience unequal or different treatment on the basis of race, ethnicity, language, religion or culture
Violence: Gender-Based, Intimate Partner and Family Violence
The age range of youth that participated in our program is fairly evenly spread across the age groups as depicted in the pie graph to the right.